Biosynthesis of Nanostructured Materials: An Overview


  • Dr. Nisha Rani Author



Synthesis of Nano scaled stuffs is changing the various possibilities of such applications which were supposed to be impossible with their bulk part. The traditional approaches, Physical and Chemical ones are providing excellent products in the market. The biosynthesis approach of synthesizing the Nano frameworks, is proposing the ecofriendly and environment friendly alternatives. The green chemistry is enhancing the plant-mediated approach of synthesizing Nano structured stuffs. Nano researchers are forming such frameworks which have been formed at neutral PH, environment friendly approach, low cost and at ambient temperature settings. The best options are assumed to be the plant extracts as well as plants themselves in the biosynthesis approach. Plants are our best friends and are also termed as the chemical factories. Some natural herbs and shrubs are the god gifts which might be utilized wisely.

In the present review the biosynthesis, general approaches of synthesizing the Nano frameworks, factors affecting biosynthesis, its pros and cons and the comparison of it with Physical and Chemical approaches had been discussed. The need of review had been understood for former Nano researchers. During the COVID pandemics period when we were facing such an enemy whose strategy of attacking people was not known to us. The complete world was looking for such a medicine or a remedy which could save the lives. During this period it was felt that if any medicine or any drug containing its nature as having antiviral property, cost effective, easy to synthesize and lifesaving off course, would be there then it might be the remedy of that covid virus. It was concluded that it is essential to know about green synthesis and its novel applications time to time. Off course it is the need of the hour to have discussions and debates on this environment friendly approach so that society could get its benefits in almost all the sectors of medicine, industry, technology and society. 




