The role of roads is to connect two places. It has to endure the loads that come through them during their lifetime. Unfortunately, rigid pavements fail under various conditions. These include temperature and fatigue stresses. Besides being costly, cement also has an adverse effect on the environment. In order to minimize the cement content in the concrete mix, the waste materials are used as admixtures to increase the strength of the concrete. In the present study, the two types of sections are used. The first one consists of a single layer of concrete mix, while the second one has two dissimilar layers called as multilayer or composite sections.The compression strength test, the flexural strength test, and the fatigue test are all performed on these composite sections in order to determine their resistance to compression, flexural strength, and fatigue. Copper slag is used to partially replace fine aggregates in concrete. A comparison of the strength characteristics of single and multilayer sections is carried out on both types of sections. The specimens of concrete are subjected to compression strength and flexural strength tests in order to determine their strength characteristics. Fatigue tests are done on various concrete pavement sections for varying stress ratios following the strength tests, which are conducted using flexural strength. Among the stress ratios taken into consideration were 0.85, 0.75 and 0.65. The fatigue curves (S-N Curve) for various pavement sections are shown, and the fatigue equations for various pavement sections are calculated. Using the results of this investigation, we can compare them to the standard number of repeats values specified in IRC: 58-2002, Table 6. According to the findings of the study, the multilayer sections have more strength than the single concrete section and Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) sections. In comparison to single concrete sections and PQC, multilayer sections are capable of withstanding a larger number of load repetitions and are more fatigue resistant. According to the findings of the study, multilayer pavement sections will be preferred for future traffic above conventional concrete pavement sections.